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Murbly - Solutions For Multi-Residential EV Charging.

December 05, 2024
Murbly - Solutions For Multi-Residential EV Charging.

What is Murbly

Murbly is an innovative online platform designed to assist condo unit owners, property managers, and co-owner syndicates in implementing electric vehicle charging solutions. By offering a range of resources and tools, Murbly simplifies the process of adapting multi-family homes and condominiums for EV use. Since its inception, Murbly has bridged the information gap on this topic, successfully helping over 5,000 condominiums get ready for EV charging.

Turnkey Support

  1. Crafting a charging strategy that aligns with your building’s specific demand and requirements.
  2. Understanding your building’s energy consumption profile and safeguarding the electrical infrastructure.
  3. Maintaining clear and transparent communication with co-owners.
  4. Preparing all parking spaces for EV charging capabilities.
  5. Ensuring the long-term sustainability of the installed electrical infrastructure.

Murbly ensures a comprehensive approach, personalized explanatory videos will be created for the syndicate and co-owners, and an analysis of the building’s electrical infrastructure will be conducted. Relevant data will be collected, including 36 months of energy consumption data from Hydro-Québec, to inform a global analysis report. This report will be presented at the Extraordinary General Meeting. A quotation for the chosen solution will be prepared, the call for tenders will be planned, and support will be provided in applying for the Roulez vert rebate program.

The Energy Capacity Study

A capacity study, detailed in a comprehensive report, evaluates a building’s energy capacity based on its actual consumption data. This study serves as the foundational step for installing charging stations in multi-unit residential buildings.

What the service includes

  1. A consultation with an expert
  2. The actual consumption data collected from Hydro-Québec and the calculation of the energy capacity of the building and its electrical infrastructure.
  3. A schematic diagram of the electrical infrastructure and meter data collection
  4. A detailed report on the number of charging stations to be added to the existing infrastructure

Visit The Murbly Website

Murbly offers educational resources and tools to help implement electric vehicle charging in Multi Unit Residential Buildings. Visit their website for more EV assistance!