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Empowering Our Employees

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Growing Together With E.B. Horsman & Son

Since 1900, we have been a thriving independently owned and operated Canadian company, largely due to our fantastic team.

That’s why we launched EMPOWER, our Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP).

Long-Term Opportunities

EMPOWER gives employees the opportunity to own a piece of the company, reinforcing our unique ownership culture.

We want our employees to grow with us, and our employee ownership plan helps us do just that!

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"Our ESOP engages our team in an ownership program that rewards long-term enterprise value creation. Our team’s engagement in a customer-first attitude, a bias for action, aversion to bureaucracy and long-term vision has benefited us for five generations. EMPOWER truly reinforces those values.”

Tim Horsman

President & CEO, E.B. Horsman & Son

Be Part of Our Story

We're always looking for talented folks to join our family business.