We’ve encountered an issue with your company account, so you will be unable to complete checkout. Please contact ar@ebhorsman.com for resolution

We welcome feedback on our website, please contact us at feedback@ebhorsman.com


Become a Customer

Apply for a COD or Credit account, and then sign up to access all of your exclusive online account features!

Shop Online

Our estore is open 24/7. Find and order products quickly and easily while accessing real-time pricing and inventory.

Contact Us

Have questions about our site? Send us an email to get in touch with our customer service team. We're here to help!


Time Saving Features


Do you have an existing account set up with E.B. Horsman?

Before you can access the exclusive account features available on our online store, you must have an existing Credit or COD account in good standing order with us. Your Customer ID (account number) can be found on the top left corner of a previous invoice, or in the account approval email sent to you from the E.B. Horsman team. To register for an online account all you need is:

Your 5 digit E.B. Horsman Customer ID

A unique work email address

Are you a new customer and want to open an account?

If you do not have an existing COD or Credit account already set up with us, please go to STEP 1 below and submit your application to our AR department. Once your account is created, you will receive an email confirmation of account approval and new Customer ID. After this, you will be able to register for access to our online store (STEP 2)

Please note: We have agreed to restrict our sales to the territories outlined in our Supplier Partner agreements. At this time we are authorized to sell to customers with locations in the Canadian provinces and territories of: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon and the Northwest Territories.



Verify your Email Address

Once you sign up for an online account, you will receive an email asking you to verify your email address. If you do not receive any emails from us please check your junk or spam folder, and then contact us at websupport@ebhorsman.com or 778.726.0731


Receive E.B. Horsman Account Authorization Email

Once you verify your email address, your account request is sent to the E.B. Horsman customer service team for review. Our staff will verify your credentials to ensure that only approved users gain access to your account. Once your access is approved, you will receive an "Account Authorized" email from websupport@ebhorsman.com


Start Shopping!

You can now log into your online account and access all the exclusive account features available!